由上海松江旅游局、英國Blooloop主題樂園媒體公司以及BBC Worldwide聯合支持,翱蒲媒體集團舉辦的第三屆世界主題公園和度假區亞洲高層論壇將于2014年9月10―12日在上海世茂佘山艾美酒店召開。
大會邀請到國家旅游局政策法規司副司長周久才論述中國文化旅游產業現狀及未來發展;上海博物館文化交流辦公室主任周燕群以博物館的角度談論博物館運營轉型之策;AECOM副總裁Chris Yoshii將對中國新興的家庭娛樂中心概念加以闡釋推廣;BBC Worldwide與英國Blooloop主題樂園媒體公司將以國際廣播傳媒視角探究主題公園發展之道;此外更有若干園區與地產開發商參與互動討論。
Theme Park & Resorts World 2014 will be held on Sep 10th-12th, 2014 in
Shanghai, China
Supported by Shanghai Songjiang tourism bureau, Blooloop and BBC Worldwide, organized by OPPLAND Media Group, the Theme Park & Resorts World 2014 will be held on Sep. 10th -12th, 2014 in Le Meridien She Shan Shanghai, China.
Based on two year’s success of Theme Park & Resorts World, the 3rd Annual Theme Park and Resorts World Asia Congress(TPRW2014) will combine traditional theme park and family entertainment center, water parks as well as integrated theme park resorts together, gathering over 300 Chinese and international theme park and resort’s fellows for pre-scheduled B2B meetings in China. 500 face to face meetings with theme park equipments manufacturers, designers and construction parties for suppliers and contractors.
The congress have invited the Deputy Director of China National Tourism Administration to address the outlook of cultural tourism industry development from regulator’s perspective; the director of culture exchange in Shanghai Museum will discuss museum's operational transformation strategy; vice president of AECOM will promote the China's emerging family entertainment center concept; BBC Worldwide and Blooloop will explore the development of the theme park in broadcast media’s perspective; and more theme park owners and real estate developers will join the interactive discussion as well.
Theme Park and Resorts World Asia Congress 2014 can provide you with first-hand information on the China theme park industry regulation and updated policy; expand the information exchange and corporate reputation, consequently to promote the further development of China’s theme park industry.
Wish all the best to the 3rd Annual Theme Park and Resorts World Asia Congress!
For more information, please contact us via:
marketing@opplandcorp.com or +86 21 5058 9600
Visit our event website: www.opplandcorp.com/themepark
- 關注綠維文旅
公眾號:綠維文旅 - 創意經典·落地運營
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